{"id":960,"date":"2021-10-08T09:21:13","date_gmt":"2021-10-08T09:21:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/ark.greensteps.cn\/page\/?page_id=960"},"modified":"2021-11-28T13:27:52","modified_gmt":"2021-11-28T13:27:52","slug":"code-of-conduct","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/ark.greensteps.cn\/page\/ar\/code-of-conduct\/","title":{"rendered":"Code of conduct"},"content":{"rendered":"
This document establishes the Green Steps ARK as an organ of society which fulfills itself through the contribution it makes to the outside environment in which it has a meaningful role to play. It provides a vision for a safe and productive workplace and gives learners and pro users the vocabulary to discuss healthy relationships. It draws a line between recommended and unacceptable behavior.<\/p>
This document has been written under the premise that organizations have the power to let the light of its members shine or drive them into their own shadow. We are increasingly disillusioned by organizational life. For people who toil away at the bottom of pyramids, surveys consistently report that work is more often than not dread and drudgery, not passion or purpose. That the Dilbert cartoons could become cultural icons says much about the extent to which organizations can make work miserable and pointless.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t
This document is designed to support you to drive yourself and humanity to the next stage of evolution. It is structured in three parts:<\/p>
To be sure, the fundamental task of management remains the same: to make people capable of joint performance through common goals, common values, the right structures, and the training and development they need to perform and to respond to change.<\/p>
Every organisation requires commitment to common goals and shared values. Without such commitment there is no organisation; there is only a mob. The organisation must have simple, clear and unifying objectives. The mission of the organization has to be clear enough and big enough to provide common vision. The goals that embody it have to be clear, public, and constantly reaffirmed. Management\u2019s first job is to think through, set and exemplify those objectives, values and goals. Every organisation is a learning and teaching institution and its management team\u2019s first responsibility is to model objectives, values and goals.<\/p>
Goals of the Green Steps Code of Conduct<\/u><\/strong><\/p> \u00a0<\/strong><\/p> Helping people with different skills and knowledge develop the capability to respond to climate change by<\/p> Management\u2019s social function is in this sense securing survival.<\/p> \u00a0<\/u><\/strong><\/p> Values of the Green Steps Ark Code of Conduct<\/u><\/strong><\/p> \u00a0<\/u><\/strong><\/p> Not innovating is the single largest reason for the decline of existing organizations. Not knowing how to manage is the single largest reason for the failure of new ventures. In fact, social innovation may be of greater importance and have much greater impact than any scientific or technical invention \u2192 Value of innovation<\/strong><\/p> \u00a0<\/strong><\/p> Contribution happens when people are engaged and fulfilled in their tasks. The effective person focuses on contribution. They look up from this work and outward towards goals. They ask, \u201cWhat can I contribute that will significantly affect the performance and the results of the institution I serve?\u201d Their stress is on responsibility.<\/p> The focus on contribution is the key to effectiveness: in one\u2019s own work (its content, its level, its standards, and its impacts) in one\u2019s relations with others, with superiors, associates, subordinates, and in the use of the tools such as meetings and reports.<\/p> The great majority of people tend to focus downward. They are occupied with efforts rather than with results. They worry about what the organization and their superiors \u201cowe\u201d them and should do for them. And they are conscious above all of the authority they \u201cshould have.\u201d As a result, they render themselves ineffectual.<\/p> Someone who focuses on efforts and stresses his downward authority is a subordinate, no matter how exalted their title and rank. But someone who focuses on contribution and takes responsibility for results, no matter how junior, is in the most literal sense of the phrase, \u201ctop management.\u201d She holds herself accountable for the performance of the whole. That is the planet.<\/p> The human who asks themselves, \u201cWhat is the most important contribution I can make to the performance of this organization?\u201d asks in effect, \u201cWhat self-development do I need? What knowledge and skill do I have to acquire to make the contribution I should be making? What strengths do I have to put to work? \u00a0What standards do I have to set for myself?\u201d \u2192 Value of contribution<\/strong><\/p> \u00a0<\/strong><\/p> Objectives of the Green Steps ARK Code of Conduct:<\/u><\/strong><\/p> \u00a0<\/p> A communication culture that empowers collaboration and strengthens relationships between its members is fundamental for the development of a healthy workplace and should follow the principles of:<\/p> \u2192 Objective of Good Communication<\/strong><\/p> \u00a0<\/p><\/li> \u00a0<\/p><\/li><\/ol> \u00a0<\/p>There are few things less productive than an engineering department that rapidly churns out beautiful blueprints for the wrong product. Working on the right things is what makes knowledge work effective. This cannot be measured by any of the yardsticks for manual work. \u2192 Objective of efficiency<\/strong><\/strong> \u00a0<\/p><\/li><\/ol> \u00a0<\/p><\/li> \u00a0<\/p>We believe in heterarchy, not in hierarchy. We believe in actualizations hierarchies<\/u><\/a>\u00a0not in domination hierarchies. We use job titles to communicate with the outside world, but understand our internal roles to be transient and dynamic.<\/li><\/ol>
An institution exists for a specific purpose and mission; it has a specific social function. In the nonprofit organisation, this function entails an economic performance, which allows continuous mission delivery and decent salaries for contributing team members. Profit planning is therefore necessary. But it is planning for a needed minimum profitability rather than for that meaningless shibboleth \u201cprofit maximization\u201d which we know from unrestrained capitalism \u2192 Objective of minimum profitability<\/strong><\/strong>
Knowledge workers cannot be supervised closely or in detail. They can only be helped. But they must direct themselves, and they must do so while bearing in mind their performance and contribution, that is towards effectiveness. Freedom and accountability are two sides of the same coin. \u2192 Objective of self-management<\/strong><\/strong>